Clash of Realms


Amidst the dusty plains of Plateau, Nigeria, an ancient prophecy unfolds. Jibril, an ethereal Archangel, descends to Earth on a covert mission to guard the miraculous birth of Isa, a child destined to bring salvation to a fractured world. But darkness stirs—a devious jinn, and a ruler enslaved by forbidden magic, conspire to thwart the divine plan.

As celestial beings contend with shadowy forces, the heavens and Earth tremble. Will Jibril and his brother, Mikail, stand firm against the rising tide of evil? Or will the miracle child be lost to darkness before his light can shine?

“Clash of Realms” is a spellbinding fantasy retelling of the nativity story, infused with Nigerian culture, breathtaking battles, and the eternal power of love and redemption.


Jibril’s eyes fluttered open. He groggily rubbed his eyelids to clear out the sleep lingering in them. Ever since he was sent to Earth, he had been exhibiting some human traits, much too his consternation.

He uncurled himself from his sleeping posture and took a stretch before emerging from the makeshift tent he had stayed in overnight. It belonged to a hermit, Shehu, who was faithful to Almighty Yahweh, his Lord. This man had been anticipating the promised saviour’s coming for a long time and was now almost a hundred years old. Jibril had gone to inform him during a session of his prayers that his expectations would not be cut short. Of course, Jibril retained his ethereal form all through his visit.
Today was the most important day of all and Jibril vowed to ensure that everything went right.

Standing on the elevated terrain, he observed the small dusty town of Barkin Ladi from his vantage point on top of the Riyom Rocky formation. The blazing orange globe was just lazily rising from the east.
Jibril’s laser-sharp vision could pinpoint several activities at once. His ears could pick out the cacophony of people in their homes, in the market and, of course, getting ready for the carnival.

Why the Almighty Yahweh would choose this dusty region as the spot to send his precious seed to was beyond his comprehension. Why he would even desire to save these ungrateful creatures was beyond him. But his allegiance to Yahweh meant he would obey and not question.

Jibril had had a lot of work to do for the past nine months, though at first he hadn’t been exactly looking forward to it. When Yahweh summoned him and issued the news he was to deliver to several pivotal people in Plateau within a tight time frame, Jibril was shocked out of his wits. How could Yahweh entrust him with such a delicate task? His brother, Mikail was better suited for big jobs like these.
But, apparently, as an Archangel, it fell within his job description and he couldn’t say no to Yahweh. That would mean he was also sliding down the path that Lucifer. Not a chance.

Besides this was his opportunity to redeem himself in the eyes of all extraterrestrial beings for his last mess up.
The last time he had been sent on a direct assignment to Earth, which was thousands of years ago, he had been forced to call for backup from Mikail because the principality over that territory had withheld him.
This time around, he couldn’t risk getting himself exposed, so he chose to go about his assignments in covert mode.

Jubril silently glided over the ragged surface of the rocky terrain, making his way down to the small town. Halfway down, red glowing eyes emerged from the dark thickets that hung precariously on a ledge in the rocks.

Jibril tensed but didn’t move an inch further, pretending not to know the dark entity had caught sight of him. The wispy jinn, thinking it had caught a big fish, came out with a puffed-up air of triumph.

“Hey, you! What are you?” the hideous creature asked.

Using his supernatural senses, Jibril siphoned knowledge of this mewling demon that had his eyes latched on him. Its name was Ifrit, a rebellious jinn who was the second in command to the ruling principality of Plateau, a dragon-like demon called Airegin.

“What are you doing in this terrain? If you’re an Angel of light, stop hiding like some coward!” Ifrit taunted, batty wings flapping as he circled Jibril in a haphazard motion.

Jibril sighed in exasperation. He had to get rid of this annoying pest so he could go accompany Miriam and her betrothed on their journey today.
He knew if it were to be his brother who was sent on this assignment, he wouldn’t be so longsuffering. Mikail had little tolerance for creatures of darkness.

Jibril surmised that he’d had enough of hiding and sneaking around. Let those nasty demons have a glimpse of what was about to hit them. They had no power to stop the Lord’s will anyway. Everything had been sealed before creation.
With a jerk of his right hand, his invisible shield cover was removed and his true form was revealed.

Ifirit’s eyes widened in shock and horror as recognition flooded them. The blinding light from Jibril’s resplendent white robe and magnificent wings was too much for him to bear so he slowly began to back away, hissing in pain.

“Jibril? What are you—” Ifirit said stuttering. But it soon regained composure, puffed out a scorched chest and smirked. “So, you’ve finally crawled out of your shell after getting your butt kicked by the high prince of Malaysia. What are you doing here? Have you finally been banished from the presence of the One Up High?”

“If I recall the event quite well, it was that so-called prince who eventually got his butt kicked,” Jibril said, his tone flat. “As for why I am here, I’m sure you’ll find out soon enough.”

Ifrit was obviously in severe discomfort by Jibril’s proximity but was stubbornly pushing down the pain.

Jibril leaned into the scarred and wrinkled charcoal-black face of this nuisance. “Go tell your dark lord that he isn’t prepared for what’s about to hit him!”
He purposefully increased the intensity of glory that shone from the very fibres of his being. Ifrit hissed and kicked frantically before vanishing in a puff of smoke, surely off to report the update to Airegin.

Jibril sighed and straightened. Now he did have his work cut out for him. He hoped the heavenly host would arrive soon to witness the mystery of incarnation.
In a few hours, Yusuf and Miriam would arrive at Barkin Ladi for the Zuru carnival. Jibril knew he had to go ahead to the predestined location for the arrival of the miracle child, Isa, who was to bring salvation and balance to the broken world. He took off with a spread of his wings and teleported to the barn site in a flash of light.


Emir Nasiru jerked out of his elevated and well-cushioned sleeping mat, drenched in sweat. Though the last vestiges of what his dream had been centred on were vanishing quickly from his mind, he knew whatever he had just experienced in his sleep had foretold doom for him. He felt unsettled as he tried to remember what he had seen to no avail.

Just then, his favourite wife, Safiya, entered the room. She was no ordinary woman, this one. She had the blessings of the Bori spirits. Though magic was highly prohibited by the holy clerics in their territory, he kept her because of her ravishing beauty and so he could use her as his secret weapon against his enemies.
She was who he needed at this time.

She sat at the edge of his bed and took his hands in hers as she looked into his eyes.

“What disturbs you, my Lord?” she asked in her alluring tone.

“I had a dream but I cannot seem to remember it.”

She placed her hand on his bearded jaw.
“You are the ruler of this territory. A mere dream should not ruffle you. I came thinking you would already be preparing for the Zuru carnival. The remaining queens in your harem await your emergence in the royal courts.”

He shook his head and sighed as he stood and paced to look out the tiny window.
“No, the way I felt when I woke up, it was not a good omen. I don’t feel like celebrating anything. You may leave.”

“But, my lord—”

He shut her up with a loud retort. “How can I go out there and smile to my subjects? What if my enemies are plotting my death? What will become of my throne?”

Her voice turned sober. “My lord, I know you are scared about many things. Remember the sacrifice I had to make with my womb to acquire the gift I possess. I intend to use it to serve you with my last breath.”

He drew near to her and held her shoulders firmly. “Then, do it! I have to know what transpired in my dream!”

She gave a single nod and with a snap of her finger, a gust blew into the room and the lights from the glowing candles that provided an ambient glow to the room went off, the blinds over the windows and the shut carved door slid down.

As man and woman, they sat cross-legged at the centre of the room, facing each other directly. Safiya placed her index finger on her husband’s forehead in a gesture of connection and blanked her mind as she concentrated. She hummed an ancient chant as she conjured up her magical powers.

When she opened her eyes, her normally light brown irises were now glazed over in a golden sheen.

She began to speak as a medium, her voice a monotonous drone as she relayed the pictures that were playing out around her in the overlapping reality she was currently immersed in.

“I see a newborn babe. And I see you, Emir Nasiru. The babe grows mighty while you turn into a tiny serpent. You try to bite him but he lifts his leg and crushes your head. I see him rising like a star and sitting on a throne…”

“A threat to my kingdom? I knew it.” Emir Nasiru growled, slamming his fist into the ground. Eyes blazing with fury, he asked, “How do I stop him?”

“You have to find and kill him before he matures enough to usurp your kingdom.”

The Emir grunted as he hastily rose and donned his royal regalia and heavily decorated turban. He had to do something about this immediately.

As Emir Nasiru stormed out of the room to give orders to his secret assassin, Safiya allowed the weariness to drown her.

Pain flooded every joint and vein in her body. She had gone too far this time around, using the magic of the Bori spirits who relentlessly tormented her at night. And was there really going to be a new ruler that would wipe out all kingdoms and establish his? Maybe this saviour could rescue her. What, not after she had been the one who gave the idea for his execution! Her hope flickered on and off.

Hidden behind a dark curtain at a corner of the dimly lit room, was Ifrit. He gave a sinister chuckle, happy that his mission had been accomplished.

Sensing an ominous presence, Safiya shivered and darted her eyes towards the corner in trepidation.


Mikail was stationed at the door of the barn, muscles rippling against his golden armour, both hands just inches away from the hilt of his sword. He had created a thunderbolt forcefield round about the barn. His eagle-sharp eyes caught the peeping and muttering jinns that lurked in the darkness around this area.

Surely, after Ifrit had alerted Airegin about the arrival of Archangels of light on their territory, they had dispatched more spies to trail them. Good thing they still didn’t have much of a clue about just how important this ordinary event was to the world; they could only keep working based on guesses.

It was no child’s play, the whole process had begun a few hours back. Young Miriam had to endure a lot of pain when the contractions came. It was a good thing she had been there to assist with her aunt’s delivery just about six months ago. Miriam was able to pace, count, breathe and push. She was the one who instructed a panicking Yusuf on how to cut the umbilical cord.

Immediately the child was delivered, the herald was sent. Simultaneously, the angel controlling the cosmos ignited the most brilliant star yet, and Jibril went to share the good news to the herdsmen who were watching over their sizable flock.

The herdsmen were the first to arrive at the barn. They ran all the way here. By then, Miriam had cleaned up the blood away from Isa’s body before wrapping him in all the spare blankets she’d carried along for their journey.

The sweaty and smudge-faced herdsmen seemed starstruck as they looked at the face of Isa who was currently peacefully asleep in the middle of a stack of hay inside a large empty carton. Their delighted excitement was understandable, seeing they had been privileged to watch the whole sky light up with the heavenly host dispatched to Earth for this special season.
As their way of worship, they played a harmonious tune on their flutes and danced the traditional dance, making Miriam and Yusuf smile and laugh.

Moments later, a group of Sarkins marched into the barn. They were high-ranking chiefs who had come from Gombe to pay homage to the newborn king.
Mikail heard Miriam’s gasp when they unfolded the bundle in which they had borne their presents. They brought extremely expensive gifts meant for royalty—gold, expensive spices and a bundle of fabric in the rarest hues.

Jibril appeared beside Mikhail, glowing with accomplishment.

“It is done?” Mikail asked.

“Yes, brother,” Jibril said, “But our assignment here isn’t quite finished, is it?”

“No, Jibril. Yahweh has not called us, so I am sure the duration of our stay on this planet has been extended. I suspect the dark side wants to launch an attack because of the arrival of Isa. Seems like the clash of realms has caused a ripple effect.”

Jibril let out a good-natured groan. Mikail patted his brother’s sturdy shoulders in understanding.

They both looked up. The announcing star twinkled brilliantly against the inky black background of the sky. After their silent observation, they entered the barn and joined the small congregation that was cramped into this poorly ventilated space.

“It’s a wonder, isn’t it? The ways of Yahweh,” Jibril whispered in awe.

Mikail nodded, speechless as he beheld Yahweh’s incarnate.

“I mean, why did he have to condense all his glory into the form of these flawed mortals?”

Mikail shrugged and said, “I guess we’ll never know. It’s what He calls love.”

“Love,” Jibril echoed.

The Sarkins each bowed before the makeshift cradle of Isa and rose, extending their pleasantries as they departed into the night.

At that moment, a small glow shimmered before Mikail. He straightened as a golden scroll materialized and dropped into his now-open palms. He unrolled it and his eyes narrowed seriously as he carefully read the heavenly missive.

Jibril tried to read his brother’s stoic expression. “It’s not good news, is it?”

Mikail’s voice was grim when he spoke.
“You’ll have to quickly catch up with the Sarkins and warn them not to even think of going to pay homage to Emir Nasiru. I have to lead Isa, Yusuf and Miriam out of this territory as soon as possible. The horde of hell is set to attack! Thank Yahweh we are one step ahead of them. Now, go, brother!”

“Perhaps when we next meet, it will be in the courts of Heaven,” Jibril said. Mikail gave a quick nod of comradeship.

Jibril unfurled his wings and took off in swift flight, past the thatched roof of the barn into the sky that was heavy with wonder.


Author’s note: Thanks for reading this retelling of the Christmas story.
It’s something I’ve written for a long while now (two years ago if I’m right), but kept hidden. Well, now is the time to share it with you all. Thanks for taking the time to read the story.

Two things inspired this tale. First, I wanted to explore what it would have been like if Jesus was born in Nigeria. The northern part of the country felt like the most suitable location.
Also, I wanted to explore the Christmas tale from the spiritual perspective. What was it like for the key players in the Christmas story (angels, yeah) to witness the miracle of incarnation.

Please, if this story blessed you in any way, leave a comment to let me know what stood out for you or what aspects of the story you did or didn’t like.
I’ll also be really grateful if you could share the link to this story far and wide. It’s the little Christmas gift I can offer to you.

Have yourself a merry Christmas, dear friend.


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2 months ago

I love that every part is action packed! Very loaded. 🔥

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