Here’s to my fellow broken brothers
Who has gone through and are still going through a Lot
You are Everything they could ask for
But they chose to discard you as mere shadows
You’ve always been there, but never acknowledged or seen
She’s your Priority, but you
You are just nothing more than option B or C or even Z
But you thought, Well i still get to be part of her options
You bury your feelings and swallow Heartfelt Confessions,
Kudos to you
Kudos to the shock Absorbers and Emotions Doctors
They get tangled in a Wrong Relationship
Get their Hearts broken beyond repair
But you’ll still be there, readily waiting to put the Pieces back together
Cheers to your Efforts Brother
Fighting a War you cannot Win
They say “Love is a Battlefield”
That can’t be anything less than the Truth
Your Efforts will forever be remembered even if it went Unrewarded
Broken Heart, Shattered Feelings and Unstable Emotions are your reward from the war
You’ll survive Brother
Oh you will survive
And for your Effort
We’ve all been there
Timotheus ©